Tips to Make the Most of Your Outdoor Wedding Venue

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Here at Moose & Goose Winery, we’re always delighted to welcome guests who would like to book special events at our farm. If you’re thinking about selecting an outdoor wedding venue for your future wedding, our scenic winery may be a great option to explore and consider. However, no matter what outdoor wedding venue you choose, there are some key tips that our experienced event staff want you to know.

Tips to Make the Most of Your Outdoor Wedding Venue

To make the most of your outdoor wedding venue, keep these considerations in mind:

  • Enjoy the natural beauty. When you choose a beautiful outdoor wedding venue to say your vows, less is more when it comes to decorations. Try to choose elements that enhance the scenic landscape, such as floral arches, fairy lights, and simple, minimalist decorations.
  • Plan for the weather. An unexpected storm, heat wave, or other unfortunate weather event can put a major damper on an outdoor wedding venue if you’re not prepared. We recommend renting a large tent or having a backup indoor venue just in case the weather tries to rain on your magical day.
  • Prioritize your guests’ comfort. Make sure that your guests are aware that the wedding will be hosted outside so that they can dress accordingly. Choose comfortable seating options and ensure there’s ample water and shade during the hotter months.
  • Don’t forget about lighting. Your outdoor wedding venue may look picturesque and serene during the daytime, but if your festivities are going to continue long after the sun goes down, it’s essential to have adequate lighting to prevent accidents or injuries. It’s a good idea to make sure tables and seating areas are well lit, as well as pathways, focal points around the venue, and the parking area.